Humans and Lions

Humans and Lions
Lions in Popular Culture
The portrayal of the male Lion in his dominance and glory with the large mane has been one that humans love since the beginning of time. This feline is viewed as one that is fierce, powerful, and strong.
Lion Conservation
The current status for the Lion is critically endangered. That means we have to act and do so aggressively if we want to see these animals survive. When it comes to their future we first have to take a good look at what is going on with them.
Lions in Captivity
There are many zoos around the world that have the mighty Lion living in them. The purpose of this is twofold. On one hand you have the need these animals have for protection.
Lions and Humans
There are many different scenarios out there that involve the Lion and Humans. Since the beginning of time there have been documented encounters between them. We have lots of information in the form of writings and even cave drawings regarding this.