Cougar Conservation

Cougar Conservation

Cougar Conservation Efforts

The Cougar is the one feline that doesn’t seem to have an immediate threat surrounding it. In fact, this is the one of the cats that seems to be the least to worry about when it comes to their survival. They are very adaptable creatures which means they are able to live in very diverse environments. They can be found in the mountains, along the prairies, in the swamp areas, deserts and in the forests.

There are believed to be approximately 50,000 Cougars remaining in the wild today. That is much higher than other types of cats. Even so there are conservation efforts in place for them. The goal is to help them out now rather than waiting until the numbers are so low like with theirs that they may not ever have a chance to climb back up again.

Part of the concerns involve the fact that the natural habitat of the Cougar continues to be taken away. The fact that they are very territorial and like to have the span of up to 400 miles to look for food means that they have a harder time surviving when humans continue to take away their land.

Sometimes that land is used for forestry or for agriculture. Most of the time though it has to do with homes for people moving closer and closer. Most humans don’t like the idea of Cougars lurking around their home. If they have children they worry about attacks. The fact that the Cougar seems to be increasing in numbers in many areas has plenty of conservation groups excited.

However, the downside of it is that there seems to be more of them in areas where humans want to be as well. This has resulted in more attacks on humans by the Cougar.  As a result of this fears about humans have continued to increase. Then people are more likely to hunt them and kill them as a means of clearing them out of areas where they don’t want them.

It is possible that the placement of sheep, cattle, or horses can draw Cougars into areas that humans are residing in. Keep in mind that these animals are programmed for survival and nothing more. They aren’t going to pass up the chance for such meals when they can’t find other animals to consume. This has angered farmers and ranchers to the point that many of them have set traps and put out poison to kill the Cougar.

Other conservation efforts in place also involve trying to find ways to prevent disease from spreading so rapidly among though. When that occurs large numbers of the Cougar can be wiped out. They are highly susceptible to various types of viruses and even and AIDS like epidemic.

Cougar conservation may not be as vital as that occurring for other types of cats but it still needs to be there. These animals have an important place when it comes to the balance of the food chain across various ecosystems. If they aren’t going to live then there can be concerns with some types of overpopulation.

Educating the public about Cougars is also part of conservation efforts. Should you see one it is best to look as big as you can. Throwing rocks or other items at it could make it turn and disappear before you know it. Never run from a Cougar though as it loves the thrill of the chance. That type of scenario would likely encourage it to attack.

Since the Cougar can move in new locations there are often surprises about where they are discovered. Even when you are hiking in areas where the Cougar isn’t known to live you need to be careful. As things continue to change in their natural habitat they are going to become more common in new locations.