Lynx Species Overview

Lynx Species Overview

Lynx Species Overview

According to many of the experts there used to be quite a few different species of Lynx in the world. Today we are aware of only four of them. They are the Canadian Lynx, Eurasian Lynx, Iberian Lynx, and the Bobcat. The Desert Lynx that lives in Arabia isn’t considered to be in the same genus so that is why some people argue that there actually five species out there.

All of the species of Lynx have a short stubby tail that is black in color at the tip of it. The tail can be from 4 to 12 inches. The average for other felines though is about 36 inches so you can see the difference is quite significant. They Lynx is also recognizable from other felines due to the fact that it has facial hair. It takes on the design of a human beard.

All species of Lynx have very sharp teeth that they use to pierce into their prey with. They also all have retractable claws. They aren’t able to run as fast as other types of felines though. However, they do have the ability to leap about 10 feet in the air which can be very useful when it comes to hunting.

Lynx Species
  1. Eurasian Lynx
  2. Iberian Lynx
  3. Canadian Lynx
  4. Bobcat

The Lynx is believed to be one of the most highly adaptable animals on land. They are able to live in mountains, the forest, and on the open plains. They are able to swim very well which helps them with finding food including fish. They can also use the water to chase their prey into as so many of those animals won’t be able to swim.

The Iberian Lynx is the most at risk of extinction. It isn’t known how many of them are still remaining in the wild. In 2009 a very wealthy Spanish woman died and in her will it was discovered that she had left millions of dollars to help assist with protecting the Iberian Lynx from extinction. It is believed there are about 400 of them left in the wild. Some of the funds this woman left will be used to reintroduce this Lynx into areas of Guatemala.

The Eurasian Lynx is the largest of all the species. They are found in the Northern Europe and parts of Asia. They can weigh up to 88 pounds. They are also the species of Lynx that has the highest available numbers. Approximately 90% of them live in the forest areas of Siberia.

The Canadian Lynx is the second largest of the species. They are found around Canada, Alaska, and in scattered areas of Colorado and North Dakota. They often have a grayish coloring to them. Their coat is much thicker than that of the other species of Lynx. While most Lynx are nocturnal this one is known to be active during the day too instead of only after dark.

The Bobcat is highly adaptable and they are also the type of Lynx humans are the most familiar with. They are also considered to be the best hunter on land of all medium sized animals. They are also the only species of Lynx that has been known to occasionally attack man.

The fact that all species of Lynx have been heavily hunted in the past for their gorgeous coats have put them at risk of extinction. There continues to be a great deal of effort put into conserving their natural environment. You will find many sanctuaries that offer them protection. They are also living in zoos around the world.

Educating the public about the various Lynx species is very important. While we still have many unanswered questions about their past, the focus should now be on the future for them. Through careful observations there are plans in motion to move them to areas where they have become extinct.